Saturday, March 10, 2018

Review: Hotel on Shadow Lake by Daniela Tully

I thought the ideas for this book were interesting, but I struggled with the format of the story. The back and forth felt jarring, making it too easy to put the book down, and the cliff hanger-like endings to chapters were frustrating - especially because they were so intentionally misleading. I was a little angry when I realized the truth because the setup it was leading to was so opposite what I thought it would be.

There were also big segments involving a fairy tale that I thought was boring. Usually, I love fairy tales, but in this case, it was kind of  pointless. I was drawn to this story because of the WWII connection, and I did find that interesting, but the modern day part of the story got a little confusing and far-fetched. The research and the travel and the weirdness at the hotel was a bit much for me to accept.

I'm very late writing this review, read the book months ago, and I gave this book three stars, so I must have liked it somewhat, but now I can only seem to remember the things I didn't like about the book. Took me a long time to read this book, which is unusual for me. In general, good story, I definitely appreciate the originality of the story, but I didn't feel as if it was told especially well.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley.

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