Saturday, September 08, 2018

Review: Room on Rue Amelie by Kristin Harmel

The Room on Rue AmélieThe Room on Rue Amélie by Kristin Harmel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I really wanted to love this book. I very much enjoy stories about the French resistance. And in the beginning, I liked it a lot. But the last part of Ruby's story was a bit too out there and difficult to believe for me.

Overall though, it's a pretty good book. Certainly held my interest. I know it looks like it took me a week to read it, but it was really two sittings, I read one half last weekend, and read the entire half the next time I was able to pick it up. I struggled a bit with the love story. Didn't appeal to me for some reason. That was a little disappointing because I'd really hoped for a good love story. If I go into detail, I'm afraid I'll spoil the book. (view spoiler)

The cover is beautiful, and that's what drew me to the book. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed the descriptions of Paris. I had my iPad out as I was reading, mapping out the streets. I found the stories about the French citizens involved in the resistance to be interesting. I am however, really glad I waited and borrowed this from the library.

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