Sunday, January 20, 2019

Review: This Strange Witchery by Michele Hauf

This Strange WitcheryThis Strange Witchery by Michele Hauf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'd been annoyed with myself for taking so long to read this book, and then once I started, took a while for me to find the time to sit and read - but how appropriate that I finish it just an hour or so before I get ready to go out to watch the lunar eclipse for the super blood wolf moon. Now it almost seems intentional, since in the book, they're having to wait for the blood moon to perform the spell, and there's an eclipse that night.

Wonderful book, loved the characters, loved the story and all the character background. As always, the romance is great, and so sexy. The characters are quirky and funny, and also so noble as they do their best to try to do the right thing, even when it means struggling with their wants and needs and a battle between the heart and mind. I always enjoy the Paris setting, and the descriptions of magic - such beautiful imagery. And it's always nice to see characters from other stories - makes me want to go back and read their books again, but there are still so many books I've not read yet.

I'm sad that this is Michele Hauf's last Nocturne with Harlequin, because this is Harlequin's last Nocturne. I know she's going to be writing some different things for a while, but I do hope she returns to this world of Beautiful Creatures that she's created. It's really one of my favorite worlds to visit in books. I've enjoyed these characters so much.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley.

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